PaidTabs 4.0 Changelog

Major Updates
- Clients can now request transcriptions for songs on Spotify in addition to YouTube.
- The ability to post reviews to musicians.
- Scores can be pinned to your public profile.
Minor Changes
- Transcribers can hide scores they're not interested in.
- The ability to sort scores chronologically and based on popularity.
- Customers can see musicians reviews on their public profiles.
- Transcribers can disable "Deadline Approaching" email notifications.
- Transcribers can choose the files they want to upload [next patch]
- Increase the minimum budget for 'vocals', 'lyrics' requests. [next patch]
- Supporting Power Tab Editor software [next patch]
Those were just the major updates; there are more exciting features for you to find out; please go ahead and check out for extra fascinating stuff.
And guess what, we are rolling even more updates soon. PaidTabs is here for you! Thank you for being a PaidTabs loyal member.
Please send your bug reports or feature requests to