How to earn money from transcribing guitar tabs

How to earn money from transcribing guitar tabs

What if there was a way to use your talents to create finely crafted tabs and get paid for it as well? Well, there is - and that’s exactly what the musicians who are aligned with do!

With some (if not most) of the guitar tab sites available today, creating and posting tabs is done for free - almost as a labor of love for the guitar community.  But what if there was a way to use your talents to create finely crafted tabs and get paid for it as well?

Well, there is - and that’s exactly what the musicians who are aligned with do!

If creating impressive and accurate tabs is a skill that you possess, then becoming a contributing musician with may be right up your alley.  Let’s take a look at some of the benefits you can experience with being a valued member of the Musician Team.

Flexible and convenient payment options

For the visitors to, we have a wide range of payment methods that will cover just about anyone’s particular preference:

  • Credit card
  • Bank transfer
  • Cryptocurrency
  • PayPal

Withdrawing your funds as Verified Musician is quick and convenient as well.  Every Monday, the funds you have earned for the previous week are deposited in your PayPal or personal bank account for easy access.

Guitar tabs can be a tricky thing in some respects.  In the past there have been complete sites shut down almost without warning because they receive contact from powerful organizations stating that their content is basically violating copyright laws.

That’s not a concern with!  We have agreements with major music publishers where you can create just about any tabs which a user requests without having any worries about the legal end of things.

Make money doing what you love to do - create guitar tabs!

The premise behind how works is fairly simple.  Sometimes a tab for a specific song (or version of a song) can’t be found anywhere on the internet.  So what are they to do?

A quick visit to is the answer!  The visitor can submit a request to get their tab created.  Once submitted, a team of well-vetted and verified musicians then bid on the work.  The visitor then can see the competing bids and select the one that best meets their needs and budget.

Once they accept an offer, that’s where you can get to work.  Once you have created the tab, you then deliver to the visitor - and you get paid!

Create your own Musician profile page

As a Verified Musician on, you also will have the ability to create your own personal profile page.  Here you can share tabs you have created with your legion of new ‘fans’ as another way of being able to earn from your efforts.  Fans and visitors can also send you monetary tips as well as an extra ‘thanks’ for all of your great work!

Here’s a quick example:


There are many options available these days for musicians that wish to monetize their efforts.  Choosing to work with will maximize your opportunities to earn as much as possible and keep the biggest portion where it matters most - in your pocket!

With a generous revenue sharing model, flexible payment methods for both visitors and Musicians, no concerns for working with materials protected under copyright, and the ability to create your own profile presence, easily rises to the top of the best option for you to choose.

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